Issue #38: Undead
Oh, yeah, we just kind of fell asleep for a second, as old people are wont to do.
All I can say is that it’s hard to type when one is anemic. Because blood is what you (somewhat ironically) have to sell to be bled by LRG.
Jason is, of course, picking up every version. And Ron looks to have to fork up, too.
Welcome to the other side, Ron!
In Return to Monkey Island news—and we’re milking this thing dry— Marius betrays us all by adding 70 impossible-to-answer trivia cards to the game. On the plus side, it does afford us the opportunity—the only thing we can afford these days—to add the same questions to our web version of the game.
(Neither here nor there, but Mojo’s Twitter embed script in news posts looks to have stopped working. We’re sure this is unrelated to the delicate genius in charge of the social network.)
What else? Plenty—you should read Mojo every day. At least. For the academics amongst you, join Mojo’s community-run book club and check out the “Conversations with Curtis” YouTube videos.
Philosophical Nugget of the Week
“Imagine trudging through this relentless hellscape every morning without coffee.” - elTee
Full News Roundup
09 Feb: Tim expands trophy collection with Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences honor: The playtester of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game makes tentative career progress.
08 Feb: Harrison Ford talks Indy 5 in new interview: He offered to talk to us, but Mojo refuses to “go Hollywood.”
07 Feb: Maniac Mansion. LRG. Brokeness.: A second mortgage IS an option.
06 Feb: Ron Adds 70 ReMI Questions; Remi Also Adds 70 ReMI Questions: Sure, you can play the trivia game within Return. But you can also play it within Mojo.
03 Feb: Mojo CEO and Psychonauts’ biggest fan: The ultimate friendship: Today brings a dangerous message: Wholesome activity is still possible on Twitter.
03 Feb: Hal Barwood gets UHD treatment with Dragonslayer 4K: Shame he got snubbed from the commentary track.
01 Feb: ReMI producer to reveal all five keys to her success at GDC 2023: Gather round the campfire to hear how she defeated the Ghost Pirate LeTelecommuting.
31 Jan: Mojo Community Kicks Off Mojo Book Club: Mojo goes intellectual.
30 Jan: Two longform interviews assassinate your next several lunch breaks: Hours of streamed conversation continued to be logged faster than your free time can accumulate.
30 Jan: Dial of Destiny toys reveal character surnames, grown adults potentially care: Toy lines continue to be best spoiler source for Lucasfilm movies.
Last Week’s Mojole Results
03 Feb: “sony#” – Sony PlayStation sees a lot of LEC-adjacent games.
04 Feb: “devil” – Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse. Excellent game!
05 Feb: “time#” – Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space. Great game!
06 Feb: “save#” – Sam & Max Save The World. Fun game!
07 Feb: “poker” – Poker Night 2 was quite decent.
08 Feb: “##q##” – Brendan Q. Ferguson. I don't know what the Q stands for, but it IS his middle name.
09 Feb: “roy##” – Roy Conrad was the voice of Ben Throttle.
Play Mojole, the game that sweeps the nation!
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