The Adventurer - Issue #11
It’s The Adventurer: Every week, we send an email full of news, media, and who-knows-what (we don’t) – make sure to share all the fun with your friends and loved ones!
The Editor Welcomes You
Something that I’ve really enjoyed on our forums this week is Details of Monkey Island. Here, forum-goers get into the nitty gritty of things that make these games great without us even realising it.
For example, did you know that whether or not you use a fake name affects your book allowance in the Phatt Island library? Or that the VGA version of Monkey Island 1 — but not the later CD version — has a rudimentary lighting system for characters, expanded upon in Monkey Island 2?
Well, maybe. But the point is that you can enjoy all sorts of tidbits like this in the thread. So please, check it out… and add your own observations!
Week in Review
A storm of news this week, none of it related to Return to Monkey Island, but what can you do?
Sam & Max Save the World for the Switch is once again available in a box, for sale no less from a brick-and-mortar store: Best Buy. (Apparently, they're still around.)
Marius once again slapped it down with one of his animations. (See the video below -- why can't you deliver content like this so we don't have to?)
We're increasingly seeing proof that Laserschwert is an AI thanks to his AI-type work. This time: Sam & Max Hit the Road upscaled.
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords has a soundtrack that can be streamed. So that's good?
Finally, A Vampyre Story is now a ZOOM exclusive, just in case you missed it on Steam or GOG.
Poll of the Week
Look: Twitter has a four-option limit. That's all I can add to a poll. Don't while when your favorite wasn't included. 😒
This time we asked: "Best auxiliary antagonist in Monkey Island 2 is . . ." 65.7% went with Largo, while the gardener -- a shady character by any definition -- hit 21.4%. Governor Phatt could only climb to 5%, and the voodoo priest a mere 5.9%.
Swanky Tweet of the Week
Tea! Tea! Tea!
Thrik tells us how it's done:
Water poured directly onto Yorkshire Gold teabag from the height of about two inches
60 seconds brew on the clock
Controversial: Squeeze teabag, stir teabag so it spins once, squeeze again
40ml (with measuring jug) semi skimmed milk
Heaped teaspoon of sugar

Last Week’s Mojole Solutions
17 June: “cruff” – King Andre's henchman. Was his name even mentioned in the game?
18 June: “clint” – Bajakian -- commonly misspelled LEC composer.
19 June: “point” – … and click adventure games.
20 June: “click” – after you point.
21 June: “six##” – Soon there will be six Monkey Island games.
22 June: “queso” – Something you make on Blood Island in CMI. Actually, they might not have called it queso even though they should have.
23 June: “giles” – Aaron Giles, SCUMM champ, currently working on DREAMM.
Become a Mojoer! (sponsored content)
Hey, kids, do you want to become one of us? Why not join our Patreon? One single dollar will make you a Friend of Mojo. And for the privileged few, there’s the $5 Diamond Club tier, which will earn you a special mention in The Adventurer. Join now! Our interns are hard at work finishing up the special mention section!