The Adventurer - Issue #14
It’s The Adventurer: Every week, we send an email full of news, media, and who-knows-what (we don’t) – make sure to share all the fun with your friends and loved ones!
The Editor Welcomes You
Has it only been a week since the trailer? My god, it already feels like it’s been months. There’s some kind of psychological phenomena to explain this I’m sure, but whatever the case, the more my excitement rises the more agonising every moment spent waiting becomes.
I’ve been keeping myself busy this week by comparing the various renditions of locations making a comeback in Return of Monkey Island, given that the trailer generously furnished us with numerous glimpses of fondly remembered locations.
It’s really interesting stepping through time and seeing how each group of artists applied its own spin — even for the VGA version, which came out just months after the EGA original. Remi has been on hand to represent the Amiga version, which is essentially a mash-up of other versions but has a character all of its own due to some interesting colour choices and a beautifully instrumented soundtrack.
Now, I should probably get back to finishing Monkey Island 2 so that I can move on and enjoy Curse running via the wonderful DREAMM…
Week in Review
After the Return to Monkey Island trailer hit last week, we quickly put together an extensive walkthrough of it.
Meanwhile, DREAMM hit 1.0, and you should probably go download it. Benny of Quick & Easy fame has put together a great Twitter thread about it.
Aaaaaand, that's about it.
Pump Up the Excitement Tweet of the Week

The official Return to Monkey Island website is truly delightful, largely because of the chat you can have with Stan. Ron revealed that Dave Grossman himself wrote the lines -- not too surprising, as they figuratively are soaked in OG Monkey Island sensibilities.
Grog! Grog! Grog!
elTee, Mojo’s resident mixologist, once again raids his liquor cabinet. This time: Frozen Limeade Margaritas.
1 cup silver tequila
1⁄4 cup triple sec
1 tbsp. agave nectar
1⁄2 tsp. kosher salt
1 (12-oz.) can frozen limeade
6 cups crushed ice
Combine all ingredients in a blender and purée until smooth. Pour into a pitcher and serve in chilled salt-rimmed glasses garnished with sliced limes.
As mentioned by Thrik, our hugely popular "Monkey Island, Then and Now" tweet series is chronicled in one convenient spot: A Twitter events page. We ended the series yesterday, but keep checking out @mixnmojo -- new features are coming soon.
Last Week’s Mojole Solutions
30 June: “full#” – … Throttle. Did you know the scene with Ben and the bartender's nose ring was an homage to Largo and the barkeep in MI2?
01 July: “sean#” – … Clark. LEC guy who disappeared.
02 July: “marco” – LaGrande, Largo's father? Grandfather? Something like that.
03 July: “sail#” – You trim them while you roam the sea.
04 July: “milk#” – You laugh and it comes out your nose according to MI2 marketing.
05 July: “tim##” – Schafer. NES Maniac Mansion playtester.
06 July: “levy#” – Eugene Levy starred in the Maniac Mansion TV show.
Become a Mojoer! (sponsored content)
Hey, kids, do you want to become one of us? Why not join our Patreon? One single dollar will make you a Friend of Mojo. And for the privileged few, there’s the $5 Diamond Club tier, which will earn you a special mention in The Adventurer. Join now! Our interns are hard at work finishing up the special mention section!
The Adventurer Credits
Editorial: 🧐 Thrik 👐
(Content: Remi