The Adventurer - Issue #19
It’s The Adventurer: Every week, we send an email full of news, media, and who-knows-what (we don’t) – make sure to share all the fun with your friends and loved ones!
The Editor Welcomes You
That gamescom video sure was something. And did you know that Mêlée Island town itself was at the event?! We are aware of at least one Mojo regular who quickly obtained a train ticket in the middle of the night after the event had started just to go and see it
.We now know the release date of Return to Monkey Island, have seen even more footage, and my god I think we’ve even heard (partially) the main theme music. This game is REAL, everybody. And we’ll be dining on it in less than a month.
It looks like I’m going to have to get my skates on with my replay marathon. Are you done getting ready for… your Return to Monkey Island? (There’s a thread for that.)
So, it's official: Return to Monkey Island will release on International Talk Like a Pirate Day: September 19th. $25 for the Switch and Mac/PC on Steam. Pre-order, and you will receive a free horse armor!
What's that DLC about, you may ask? For its history, you'll have to travel back to 2006 and relive a questionable decision by Oblivion.
The armor will, of course, technically be useless in ReMI, but it can be used for interactions and will probably lead to some amusing dialogue.
Now, that was all revealed on Tuesday, so how about Monday?
Ronzo revealed not just the new interface but also iMuse-like transitions. Conversely, the music truly is spectacular, all the way down to the shredding guitars.
There's not really a lot more to say -- watch those videos and get appropriately exciting. And look for the details: Why has Elaine ripped off half of the photo on her desk? Did she break up with Guybrush? Or with the guy on the small island, who seemingly has the second half of the photo showing him?
And we don't even know what the plot is yet! Presumably, more will be shown at PAX West, and we still have three more #MonkeyIslandMondays before the big day. More to come, in other words.
Grog! Grog! Grog!
elTee, Mojo’s resident mixologist, once again raids his liquor cabinet wine fridge: This time, Champagne. Because what better way to celebrate the release date?
Last Week’s Mojole Solutions
12 August: “remi#” – ReMI: Preferred abbreviation for Return to Monkey Island according to Mojo's Manual of Style.
13 August: “zak##“ – ... McKracken: Generally considered the patron saint of Germany.
14 August: “ron##” – ... Gilbert. Former #monkey-island visitor.
15 August: “#####” – Sometimes, you just need to feel the calm nothing of nothingness.
16 August: “bob##” – Set to make a glorious return in ReMI.
17 August: “dinky” – Dinky Island; also the name of the engine powering ReMI.
18 August: “alien” – They bend minds in Zak.
Play Mojole, the game that sweeps the nation!
Become a Mojoer! (sponsored content)
Hey, kids, do you want to become one of us? Why not join our Patreon? One single dollar will make you a Friend of Mojo. And for the privileged few, there’s the $5 Diamond Club tier, which will earn you a special mention in The Adventurer. Join now! Our interns are hard at work finishing up the special mention section!
The Adventurer Credits
Editorial: 🧐👑🌞💖🎉🙏 Thrik 😎👐👏💋👍🎈
(Content: Remi
Mixologist: elTee)