The Adventurer - Issue #23
It’s The Adventurer: Every week, we send an email full of news, media, and who-knows-what (we don’t) – make sure to share all the fun with your friends and loved ones!
The Editor Welcomes You
No no, he does not. Our Most Glorious CEO is finishing up Return to Monkey Island but will presumably will be back next week to spread his gospel.
Some Updates
We are keeping it short and sweet here this week, as we understand people want to avoid spoilers. That goes for Twitter and the site, too. Later next week, we'll probably start moving into minor spoiler territory, mind you, but will also mark articles/news as such. (We have various spoiler tags over at Mojo that allow us to hide text and images.)
So, for now, what do we got:
Our review! Fashionably posted the second the embargo was lifted, this review contains very few spoilers. In fact, if you've started the game, you're safe to read it now. (Though you may want to leave the "hide image spoilers" toggle on, as there are screenshots from some later scenes in the game.) A quote: "Return to Monkey Island is a gorgeous, vibrant, hilarious, endearing adventure that manages to live up to its pedigree (already a stratospheric standard before you account for the whole return-of-the-messiah business) and deliver a certain closure to three decades of frustrated innuendo -- but not too tidily, of course." So, let there be no doubt: Mojo, like most of the world, very much likes this game.
An absolutely spoilerific article, don't read it if you haven't finished the game: But do read it if you have. It documents the endings in detail with videos and all. Here.
A non-spoiler forum where you slowly can discuss the game. And also a spoiler forum. The topic titles there do not contain any spoilers.
Let's leave it at that for now -- more to come soon.
Last Week’s Mojole Solutions
16 Sep: “low##” – ... Street: The street with the Voodoo Lady -- and Wally! -- in MI1/Return.
17 Sep: “ten##” – Seems like it's always ten o'clock on that island.
18 Sep: “holy#” – ... crap, ReMI releases on Monday!
19 Sep: “whooo” – ... oooooo! Return to Monkey Island releases tomorrow!
20 Sep: “today” – ... is the release day of Return to Monkey Island!
21 Sep: “last#” – ... night was when Return to Monkey Island released!
22 Sep: “are##” – ... you playing Return to Monkey Island?
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Editorial (or not really this week, but you know...): 🧐👑🌞💖🎉🙏✨🎇🎡 Thrik 😎👐👏💋👍🎈🕶🎊🎮
(Content: Remi
Mixologist: elTee)