A slow week here at Mojo Towers, and, like many, we asked: “where did the CEO go?” Not far, as it turned out, and a recent selfie on the socials gave proof of the inevitable: The CEO is eyeing a second CEO job.
Let’s just call it “on-brand.”
Meanwhile, Indy is also showing signs of life:
Hey, let’s do a poll—polls are fun, right? People love polls:
That’s all for this week—some of us have to celebrate Presidents Day after all.
Full News Roundup
17 Feb: Last call for Sam & Max Hit the Road Collector’s Edition: Jake went to a lot of trouble to bring this to you high-income fans out there.
16 Feb: James Mangold pledges twenty minutes of de-aged Indy: And if you buy now, you also get the cap snaffler.
13 Feb: Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny gets Super Bowl spot: $7 million well spent.
Last Week’s Mojole Results
13 Feb: “after” – Afterlife. Never played it.
14 Feb: “jedi#” – Jedi Knight: Quite a fun series of games.
15 Feb: “dark#” – Dark Forces: The series of games the Jedi Knight series of games was in.
16 Feb: “sith#” – The cooler version of a Jedi.
17 Feb: “pew##” – Sound the laser guns make in Star Wars.
18 Feb: “wrath” – I believe Wrath Unleashed maybe was a game possibly?
19 Feb: “rift#” – Koronis Rift: I never played it, but the cover art is awesome. I believe Ron was hired at LucasFilm Games to do the CBM64 conversion.
Play Mojole, the game that sweeps the nation!
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